CAGES is the convergence of sound and theatrical design in a three-dimensional surreal space.
“In a dystopian city, where emotions are forbidden and everyone’s hearts are locked in cages, Woolf discovers music and sets out on a surreal journey through the prism of emotions in order to write a symphony powerful enough to make the world feel.”

Well, it worked and our level of intrigue was extremely high. But of course, we were running late due to our usual mandatory rendezvous at Soho Warehouse for a quick bite before this mysterious show-like-thing. As we ran through the graffiti-ladened walls of the Arts District, our spirits ran free through the dark and ominous night not caring about any danger that may await us around any corner. With our heart rates elevated as high they can be we arrived to the dark doors, ready to enter the unknown. Breathless and laughing, we arrived right on time, not a minute before and not a minute after. I’m now calling this perfect arrival the rebel o’clock.

A soulless woman greeted us at the entry just beyond the black doors, she stared deep into our souls. She judged our every move. Creepy, beautiful, and quietly - we are led inside a chamber with a small group of other guests. Another cast member acknowledges our arrival, pointing our attention to the screen behind her where a digital heart projects solemnly. We peered around the room exploring every aspect of it. Intrigued and curious about everything in the room, a desk riddled with papers and notes, shelves filled with a chemist's tools and a large fireplace filled the cramped room.
A soulless woman greeted us at the entry just beyond the black doors, she stared deep into our souls.
After leaving the cramped room we entered a much larger space filled to the brim with humans. We fought through the dark and crowds to get to the large tree that drew us in because of its stature and presence. Our sense of curiosity was on overdrive as we heard someone on a loudspeaker asking us to enter the theatre because some was found GUILTY. We then followed the procession of humans walking into the courtroom. “Death by hanging was the verdict” and we were the jury agreeing to the fact.

We had entered the dystopian future.
The music seemed to have connections to Kanye. The clarity of sound was unreal. The strobe lights were intense. The music was beautifully dark. The songs were poetic. The projection mapping was unreal.
Our minds were fixated on the stage so not to lose a millisecond of this magical and otherworldly experience. Once again our perspectives and lives have changed. Our souls have been fed once again, albeit on a Monday night.

On to the next adventure we go. The universe will let us know when and where. This is one thing we know to be true. We are never to forget the beautiful journey we are on always being swept away from the boredom by experiences that reenergizing our minds.